Background and Rationale

The RMP Certification Program was conceptualized to fill the need for skilled marketing graduates. Companies feel that the skill level of marketing students has gone down and that they need a certification program that will ensure that who they are hiring have the necessary skills to do the job.

The program aims to help companies find the right people, regardless of the school affiliations, which is often the criterion used in hiring new graduates. It also hopes to guide schools on what skills are currently in demand in the field and make the necessary changes in their curriculum.

More importantly, it aims to raise the bar of excellence among marketing students and to help their regain the confidence of the corporate field. It also hopes to identify problem areas in their skill levels and knowledge, which they can use to improve themselves and in turn, increase their employability.

RMP Certification Program

The RMP Certification Program is a certification examination developed by top industry practitioners and reputable academic partners, Pearson Higher Education and Mc-Graw Hills Education. It measures marketing students’ knowledge, analytical skills, creativity and problem solving ability through a theoretical exam and case analysis.

The examination covers six subject areas: Marketing Management; Sales and Sales Management; Services Marketing; Advertising: Integrated Marketing Communication; Brand Management; and E-Marketing.

Who should take the RMP Certification Examination?

The RMP Certification Examination is open to all graduating Marketing students of different colleges and universities. Entry-level marketing professionals and graduating business students who want to specialize in Marketing may also take the exam.

Benefits of the RMP Certification Program

There are huge benefits to getting an RMP Certification. First, it puts a title to your name, “Registered Marketing Professional.” The title gives you an edge when applying in companies. Second, the examination and passing it demonstrates your competency level in marketing to your prospective employers and also gives you insights into your own skill levels. Third, taking the RMP also builds your confidence as the examination allows you to know what your skill sets are and on what areas you should be improve more. The RMP Certification Program also has a hiring partner, Q2 HR Solutions, that help those who are in the program to get hired.

The program also benefits the school. Aside from legitimizing students as marketing professionals, the RMP Certification Program also assesses an educational institution’s current curriculum and teaching methods. Availing the program will also give your faculty free post-graduate training as well as academic and corporate linkages.


RMP PASSERS 2020 – 2021

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Certification Examination Program

Registered Business Professional

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